Complex Value Chain

Throughout all transportation modes, there are various manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers that represent a significant share of the overall added value and have a considerable influence on the market rules. These players are:

  • OEMs of aircraft, trains, trucks, etc.
  • Providers of maintenance, repair, and overhaul services (for aircraft, trains, trucks, infrastructure, equipment, etc.)
  • Supplier of other services related to transportation (e.g., airport handling-agents, IT system suppliers)

Furthermore, there are public stakeholders (governmental authorities, ministries, public investment companies) and investors (banks, private equity firms). No matter which sector these companies belong to, they can benefit from the cross-industry project experience of Franke Aviation & Transportation Consulting, as well as from the profound knowledge of interfaces within the transportation chain. This is likewise valid for public clients and investors (e.g., related to large infrastructure projects or due diligences).

More about OEMs, Providers, Public Entities and Investors